Victoria Mara Heilweil
Victoria is running a fundraiser for charities. ♥
About Victoria Mara Heilweil

My ongoing project, #dailybeautyintheageofcoronavirus, began with the shelter in place order. I gave myself an assignment to photograph the beauty that I find on my daily walk in the Mission District, SF where I reside. It seems we can all use more loveliness in our lives right now. 

View project video.

This series is a fundraiser for five worthy organizations. I'm offering 8.5" x 11" editioned, archival prints of this series. To purchase, simply make a $50 (or more) to SF-Marin Food Bank, Meals on Wheels, ACLU, Tipping Point or Safety Net Fund (for Bay Area Artists). Email or DM me proof of the donation, your mailing address, and which photograph you would like to receive; and I will send off your new art.

I am finding the COVID-19 shelter in place order to be very generative for me as an artist (and it seems other artists I know). Perhaps it is the effect of having obstacles that push me to be more creative. I am enjoying the practice of having an art ritual, and also the freedom and permission I am giving myself with my photography.

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